Author: ALPHA-Pianos

Meet the Keyvolution

Printed Electronicsworld: technical description of ALPHA Pianos sensor technology

The piano manufacturer Mario Aiwasian, Founder of Alpha Pianos GmbH, has solved that problem by using a patented sensor technology developed by Hoffmann + Krippner that essentially replaces the long strings inside a piano with electronic strain gage sensors. A pianist playing what that … You can read more here.

Oper unter Sternen (Opera under the Stars)

The Hagenthaler Kultur Kreis was particularly pleased during the “Oper unter Sternen” (Opera under the stars) at St. Andrä Wördern, Lower Austria, on Saturday, 02.07.2016, where one of the few silent film pianists, Florian C. Reithner, performed a live accompaniment on an ALPHA piano for the silent film screening from Nestroy’s “The Evil Ghost Lumpaci…
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Prize-winning design quality: MPiano triumphs in Red Dot Award: Product Design 2016

St. Andrea Woerdern, March 30th 2016. MPiano by ALPHA Pianos was awarded with the Red Dot, the international distinction for high design quality. Participants from 57 nations had registered a total of 5,214 products and innovations for the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2016. Only products which set themselves apart considerably through their excellent design…
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The sensor that creates the right sound

“…anyone who once lived somewhere in the Viennese bourgeoisie style has had a magnificent grand piano in the drawing room. The days of the notorious 19th-century wings are over, and the number of salons and music rooms where you might place such large and imposing instruments is rare…”

The press reports on Alpha Pianos

“A piano that plays all the pieces”: The press writes about the creation of Alpha Pianos Read the full coverage here. Please note, the article is in German.

OKEY special edition covering Alpha Pianos

OKEY created a multi-page, detailed brochure about a wide range of aspects worth knowing about Alpha Pianos. See the brochure here. You can find the special edition here. Please note, both pages are in German.

Musikmesse 2015

“In the final trade fair report of the Musikmesse 2015, we will present you separately electric pianos and electric organs.” Read the full article here. Please note, the page is in German.

Tastenwelt: ALPHA Pianos – A for ALPHA and B as Bösendorfer combines

We’re in the news! A for ALPHA and B as Bösendorfer combines in the new “Tastenwelt”. See our facebook story here.

Business Magazine “Die Macher”: The future of music

We’re in the news again! The business magazine “Die Macher” reports on the outstanding cost-effectiveness of the ALPHA pianos – describing it as the future of music. Read their coverage here. Please note, the page is in German. on ALPHA Pianos – “A milestone” is covering ALPHA Pianos and our mPiano. “After 300 years of piano-making, the time has come: the new Alpha piano marks a new milestone in the history of pianos from Austria.” Read the full article here. Please note that the article is in German. on Alpha Pianos and Superstars

Coverage from January 2015, discussing ALPHA Pianos and superstars. Read the full article here. Please note, the article is in German.

NÖN covers Alpha Pianos

“Lenny Kravitz has already played on an electronic piano by Alpha Pianos (from St. Andrä-Wördern, Tulln district), now Lady Gaga is also to receive one from the Lower Austrian start-up…” Read the full article here. Though, please remember the article is in German.

Article from the Tiroler Tageszeitung

We’ve just been covered in the Tiroler daily newspaper: Tiroler Tageszeitung. Read what TT has to say about Alpha Pianos here. Please note, the newspaper is in German.

NÖN: St. Andrä-Wördern: Alpha Piano cleans up

NÖN covers ALPHA Pianos. “After the Genius Award last year, Mario Aiwasian now wins the i2b competition with his electronic grand piano.” You can see the full article here. Keep in mind, the article is in German.

ORF: Alpha Pianos wins Technology Genius Prize

“The “mPiano” project, by the two developers Mario Pregetter and Mario Aiwasian, was unbeatable and the new keyboard instrument impressed the jury with its technical features and unmistakable design, winning the Genius Prize in the “Technology” category.” Read the full coverage here (please note that article is in German).